Saturday, December 31, 2016

Brisbane Ranges drop 'bar gravel ride 25th August 2016

Cold, showers, 45kms. I was originally thinking of actually riding out to the ranges from home, but that would have been a big ride on really open roads. Having said that there's some magnificent vistas between You Yangs & the Brisbane Ranges off Granite Rd (back roads).
Most of the climbs are pretty punchy & I got down to my granny on most of them, the gravel roads are a solid surface but gravel roads change season to season & year to year so be prepared i suppose.
I would like to get another opportunity to get out there & do the ranges to the north for a larger 100kms (approx) loop. The bush is sparse and I'd imagine summer would be a stinker out there on a bike. No water points that I recall apart from the tourist (museum town, its all closed) of Steiglitz.

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